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Atos a annoncé avoir été choisi par l’Institut Pasteur de Dakar dans le cadre d’un projet de grande ampleur visant à encourager la diversification des activités industrielles de l’Institut. Ce projet consiste en la mise en œuvre d’un système de gestion intégrée des processus et de gestion de maintenance assistée par ordinateur. Ce contrat s'inscrit dans la stratégie de développement de l'institution, dont l’objectif est de diversifier ses activités industrielles, notamment dans la fabrication de produits pharmaceutiques innovants tels que des vaccins et des tests de diagnostic rapide, ainsi que leur distribution à l'échelle mondiale.

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Lire la suite : Atos soutient l’Institut Pasteur de Dakar avec un système informatique intégré

Le marché de la téléphonie mobile en République du Congo, a  généré un montant total de 136,071 milliards de F CFA, a annoncé l'Agence de régulation des postes et des communications électroniques (ARPCE) dans son rapport annuel 2023 sur le marché de la téléphonie mobile.

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Lire la suite : Le marché de la téléphonie mobile a dépassé les 135 milliards de revenus au Congo

Dans un monde où les catastrophes naturelles et les crises humaines peuvent survenir à tout moment, la communication joue un rôle essentiel, en particulier les télécommunications, qui englobent les technologies de l'information et de la communication. Elles sont ainsi devenues des outils indispensables pour coordonner les interventions d'urgence, sauver des vies et minimiser les dommages.

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Lire la suite : Le rôle des télécommunications dans la gestion des catastrophes et les interventions d’urgence

Dans cette interview exclusive, Mounir El Aichaoui, directeur des réseaux mobiles pour l'Afrique du Nord et de l’Ouest chez Nokia, a mis l’accent sur les dernières avancées technologiques et stratégiques de l'entreprise dans la région, ainsi que son engagement en matière de responsabilité sociale et environnementale.

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Lire la suite : Exploration des innovations technologiques et des initiatives durables

Telecom Review a réalisé une interview exclusive avec Dr. Rim Belhassine Cherif, Directeur de l'innovation et de la stratégie à Tunisie Télécom. Cette discussion a exploré comment les opérateurs intègrent les technologies émergentes pour optimiser l'utilisation de l'énergie et renforcer leurs défenses contre les menaces cybernétiques croissantes. Dr. Belhasine Cherif a également partagé avec nos lecteurs des perspectives sur les défis actuels des opérateurs télécoms liés à la consommation d'énergie et à la sécurité des réseaux.

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Lire la suite : Énergie et Sécurité: Les Enjeux Actuels des Opérateurs Télécoms

Dans une interview exclusive accordée à Telecom Review, Judicael-Vivien Monde, directeur de la technologie et des réseaux mobiles Afrique du Nord et de l'Ouest, Nokia, s'est engagé à minimiser la consommation d'énergie dans le secteur des technologies de pointe conçues. La discussion a également dévoilé l'impact imminent de l'utilisation massive de la capacité 5G grâce à Nokia AirScale, mettant en lumière sa croissante importance et les implications conséquentes pour la durabilité des entreprises.

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Lire la suite : Ondes durables: les réseaux mobiles de Nokia ouvrent la voie écologique de la connectivité

Telecom Operators

By Hazem Metwally

I remember a time when the word “sustainable” was only used in meetings to do with our corporate social responsibility (CSR) and philanthropic efforts… it has far evolved. Today, it has become part of our focus area and even scorecard, making it everybody’s everyday job. Integrating people, planet and prosperity with our organization’s strategic goal delivers alignment up and down and across on impact-driven initiatives, stakeholder engagement and accountability.

For a while now, we have been seeing progress in environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices as we all explore ways to link to purpose - driven work for both employee engagement and business competitive advantage.

At Etisalat Group, we strive to operate responsibly and transparently by living our inspiration of ‘Together Matters” and “Together Towards a Sustainable Future”. In 2021, we celebrated Egypt and the United Arab Emirates winning the bids to host the UN Climate Change Conference 2022 and 2023 (UNFCCC COP 27 and 28) respectively.

Since its inception, Etisalat has been channeling its efforts into transforming our infrastructure into the best in the world; leading not only in terms of quality and speed but also contributing to reduced energy consumption and waste. From embracing the urgent climate action agenda, to implementing small scale or company - wide initiatives, the public and private sectors are dedicating real time on their agendas to building back better in the post-pandemic recovery roadmap.

The conversation is happening; and we’re all in on it

Egypt has already made strides in paving the way for a more cohesive and sustainable future; through adopting an inclusive post-pandemic recovery and by translating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into national development strategies through country-led initiatives.

For our part at Etisalat Misr, I am proud to say that we are committed to contributing to the Government of Egypt’s sustainability agenda; in line with the national and global 2030 targets. It is part of our company’s mission, DNA and strategy to put forth initiatives that achieve support in progress towards good health, equity and creating resilient communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

In 2019 and 2020, Etisalat Misr adopted various in-house projects such as, replacing the conventional lighting with LED lighting which achieved 19% saving in electrical consumption and 15% saving of electricity in retail shops. Currently, we’re also working on rationalizing energy consumption by installing occupancy sensors for controlling data centers’ light, so that the light switches off at times where there is no staff inside; and by reducing the number of base stations powered by diesel and replacing them with renewable energy and hybrid alternatives.

While the past two years have served as a double-edged sword, unveiling the pros and cons of different work-life models, we’ve realized that reducing office presence in our premises and buildings led to reductions in electricity usage, and water and paper consumption by 36% and 60% respectively. From this, we learn the importance of waste management and thinking twice before we print any piece of paper. We’re also enhancing the BMS system to control ACs and lighting in parallel through decreased power consumption and solar and hybrid rectification.

Moving in the Right Direction Forward

One of my personal favorite initiatives has to have been our work with Very Nile to help clean Egypt’s gem, our Nile River. This project is part of Etisalat Misr CSR initiatives that aims to encourage our employees to clean the Nile, to empower the fishermen by rehabilitating their boats, and to support the women at Qursaya island economically by buying their recyclable, artisan products.

During our field visit, I was inspired by witnessing the great responsible work that some of us are doing silently without much fuss. I learnt how little behaviors that we usually do, can turn into big problems. The plastics disposed in the Nile pollute our artery of life and then find their way into the Mediterranean Sea affecting nature in one of the most beautiful seas in the world.

In that same vein, underpinning health and technology within corporate social impact is key to targeting sustainable growth, to build a secure, digital and healthy world, while fostering innovation to ensure the improvement of lives, linking the sector to the most recent development in technology, communication and digital solutions.

Working towards improving the health care sector, we tap on our long and short-term development projects and programs, developing the capabilities of children, youth, women, and people with disabilities, to make the best use out of technology, for an enhanced livelihood; centered around better health and well-being, aligned with the global goals; namely SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being; SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; SDG 10: Reduced Inequality; SDG 13: Climate Action; and SDG 17: Partnerships to Achieve Goals.

For instance, Etisalat Misr has managed to provide Egypt’s Ministry of Health and Population with IOT services, lines and connectivity for its 2,000 primary health units and its blood donation campaign, because today, we are on a brink of a technological revolution; transforming how we live, work, and co-exist. And as a nation, we have the best minds, coupled with advanced technologies at hand to serve humanity.

Empowering women is critical for our people and economy

Two years and nine months ago, an incredible woman joined our C-Suite team, leading the most important aspect of our organization - the people. She plays a role, far beyond a scope, bringing her competency as well as her female energy to nurture the whole organization, coaching us in our everyday decisions and creating a role model for others. While there is still a lot of work to be done in reaching gender parity, we’re embracing gender smart policies to enable and empower more women in the workforce and in leadership positions. For a woman, it takes a lot of self-confidence, overcoming doubts and a supportive environment; which we should all encourage it for its macro-critical importance.

At Etisalat Group; we’ve introduced safe working conditions, capacity building, equal payment and labor rights as well as leveraging our partnerships to scale innovative and affordable medical solutions to secure our female staff’s wellbeing.

We’re all in this together, and it will take all of us working together to address all types of issues and creating better, healthier communities. All the conversations, progress, and reporting is an indication that the ’S’ will follow in the path of the ‘E’ in ESG, garnering more attention in the future from all of us in the private sector, and governments alike.

It’s due time to take care of our people and homes.

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