The communications regulatory authority of Namibia (CRAN) has launched a national SIM card registration awareness campaign to educate the public on the importance of the registration of SIM cards in Namibia.
CRAN chief executive officer Emilia Nghikembua said that the mandatory SIM card registration is in line with international best practice, with 157 countries in the world currently implementing SIM registration. Namibia is one of two African countries that does not have SIM card registration at the moment.
Nghikembua also said that Cran’s awareness campaign aims to inform the public that mobile phone operators will be required to register all their customers’ SIM cards and obtain all relevant information before the sale and activation of SIM cards. Nghikembua said operators will have a period of 12 months to conclude the registration of existing customers.
“All telecommunication services providers are mandated to store the data and to cooperate with any relevant requests from law enforcement agencies,” she said. Cran board chairperson Mihe Gaomab II further added,” Cran is confident that all mechanisms are in place for the seamless implementation of the new regulation requiring the registration of SIM cards.”