
Following the success of the first virtual panel which tackled the impact of COVID-19 on 5G deployment, Telecom Review is set to hold a virtual panel entitled: Capacity and data traffic: Enabling a seamless experience, on July 21st at 16:00 pm UAE time.

The panel which will be moderated by Toni Eid, Founder of Telecom Review and CEO of Trace Media will discuss the following topics:

  • Managing the huge amounts of data generated during COVID-19 pandemic
  • Role of the cloud in ensuring a seamless remote experience
  • The challenges that COVID-19 brought about to the wholesale industry

The confirmed panelists are:

  • Ali Amiri, Group Chief Carrier & Wholesale Officer, Etisalat
  • Frederic Schepens, CEO, MTN GlobalConnect
  • Marc Halbfinger, CEO, PCCW Global
  • Vaneet Mehta, AVP & Region Head – MECAA, Tata Communications
  • Elias Zaccack, Executive Vice President, Global Sales, SES
  • Cengiz Oztelcan, CEO of GBI
  • Emmanuel Rochas, CEO, International Carriers, Orange

Registration can be done through the following link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_s1hcIlcPS2q9MASn3hVhBw

For more details about how to join or sponsor a panel, please contact Mohammed Ershad: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telecom Review is planning a series of virtual panels that will address the ICT industry’s latest trends. For more information, please visit the page dedicated to the virtual panels on: https://telecomreview.com/summit/index.php/virtual-panels

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